Return values:
[SENSe:]LIST:POWer[:SEQuence] {<Frequency>, <RefLevel>, <RFAttenuation>,
This command configures and initiates the List Evaluation measurement.
The list can contain up to 200 entries (frequencies). You can define a different instru-
ment setup for each frequency that is in the list.
If you synchronize the measurement with *OPC, the R&S FPL1000 produces a service
request when all frequencies have been measured and the number of individual mea-
surements has been performed.
Note that using the command as a query initiates the measurement and returns the
results if all frequencies have been measured. For more information on querying the
results see [SENSe:]LIST:POWer:RESult?.
Manuel d'utilisation 1179.5860.09 - 12
Power level for each frequency included in the measurement.
The command returns up to 3 power levels for each frequency,
depending on the number of evaluation modes you have turned
on with [SENSe:]LIST:POWer:SET.
The result is a list of floating point values separated by commas.
The unit depends on CALCulate<n>:UNIT:POWer.
Query only
<ElAttenuation>,<FilterType>, <RBW>, <VBW>, <MeasTime>,
Defines the frequency. Each frequency corresponds to one list
Default unit: Hz
Defines the reference level for a list entry.
Increment: 0.01
Default unit: dBm
Defines the RF attenuation for a list entry.
Increment: 1
Default unit: dB
numeric value
Defines the electronic attenuation for a list entry.
A setting other than 0 (OFF) requires option R&S FPL1-B25.
Increment: 0 (OFF)
Default unit: dB
Selects the filter type for a list entry. For more information see
Configuring and performing measurements
0 to Fmax
-130 to 30
0 to 70
0 to 30
Remote commands