Advanced Temperature Sensor Controls
The advanced temperature sensor controls provide an option to set visual alarm notifications when a chosen
temperature measurement on an MTS falls below a desired value or when the rate of temperature drop is greater
than a desired value for a select MTS sensor location�
1� Press and hold the MTS Channel button (Screen 24) for a selected MTS to enter Advanced Temperature
Sensor Settings�
Screen 45. Advanced Temperature Sensor Controls
2� Select the desired alarm type and desired sensor location using the drop-down menus�
3� Press the Up or Down button and adjust the temperature to define the desired alarm limit�
4� Press the Set button to set the alarm�
OPTIONAL: Select a name to be displayed above the MTS channel location using the Needle Location drop-down
menu� The list of needle names provided is derived from the list available in the Configure Settings Screen (reference
the Configure Settings Section) and is associated with the selected organ map�
Black (K) ∆E ≤5.0