The Navigation Tool Bar contains the Pressure Gauge / Gas Indicator and procedure buttons that you can select to
enter registration information, configure procedure settings, enter procedure notes, view and export reports, and end
the procedure� On occasion, error messages may be displayed in lieu of the logo�
Table 9. Navigation Tool Bar
Pressure Gauge /
Displays the working pressure of the argon and helium gases within the system�
Gas Indicator
NOTE: The Visual-ICE Cryoablation System contains internal regulators that regulate the gas
pressure to appropriate working limits� The pressure displayed on the Gas Indicator is the
internal, regulated pressure and not the cylinder gas pressure�
Pressing the Pressure Gauge toggles the pressure gauge to display the estimated procedure
time remaining before the gas cylinders are depleted� The estimated times are displayed in
hours:minutes:seconds� During needle testing, both pressure gauges display the estimated
time remaining� The initial estimates during needle testing are based on the assumption that
all connected needles are operating simultaneously at 100 % freeze intensity�
The Gas Indicator updates in real time as needles are disconnected or additional needles
are connected and as the freeze intensity is adjusted� Pressing the Gas Indicator toggles the
display back to Pressure Gauge�
Provides optional data entry fields to record Patient ID, Hospital Name, Hospital Address,
Physician Name, and Organ Type� Two custom fields are provided for additional information�
The names of the custom fields can be specified in the Configure Settings Screen (reference
the Configure Settings Section)
A location to input text� Selecting this button displays the on-screen keyboard for data entry�
Procedure notes entered in this location are included in the procedure report (reference
Configure Settings Screen (reference the Startup Screen Section)�
Settings and
Displays the Procedure Screen to begin a cryoablation procedure�
Displays a report of all procedure data that has been entered and captured for the current
procedure� The report can be saved to the USB flash drive� Pressing the Report button during
a procedure displays all procedure information saved up to that point in time�
End Procedure
Ends the current procedure and returns to the Startup Screen � Pressing this button
generates a confirmation request, a request to save the report, and an option to
automatically vent the system�
Context Sensitive Help
The Context Sensitive Help displays a summary of procedural steps to guide you through a cryoablation procedure� It is
intended to provide only a general overview; step-by-step instructions are provided in the Preparation for Use Section�
User-Selected Self Help
The title bar of each section provides access to additional help information� Press the title bar to access an explanation
of the buttons and fields available in each section of the Procedure Screen �
Channel Controls
Channels 1 through 10 are labeled individually and contain independent controls for Test, Freeze, Freeze Intensity,
Thaw, and Stop� Each individual channel displays the needle type of the needles connected adjacent to the channel
controls (Screen 19)� The Channel labeled ALL operates all active channels simultaneously�
Black (K) ∆E ≤5.0