When the channel has been locked, the software detects that a needle has been connected and the channel opens
for testing� A dark gray channel button indicates a channel with needles connected� If the needle contains a memory
chip, the Visual-ICE Cryoablation System automatically detects the type of needle being used, the lot number, and the
expiration date of the product� If the system detects that the expiration date has passed, a message appears and gas
flow to that channel is disabled�
Screen 13. Needle Past Expiration Date message
7� If the needle does not contain a memory chip, a menu appears with a selection of needle types (Screen 14)�
Select the proper needle type from the drop-down menu�
Screen 14. Select Needle Type Menu
8� After selecting the first needle, the selection for subsequent needles defaults to the initial selection� Confirm
needle type displayed in each channel matches the needle type connected�
9� Press and hold the Channel button to open Advanced Channel Controls, which allows you to change the needle
type for a channel, as needed�
10� Prepare to conduct Needle Integrity and Functionality Testing�
WARNING: The sterile field and sterility of cryoablation needles should be maintained at all times� Do not
contaminate the distal end of the sterile cryoablation needle� Avoid contact with the distal portion of the
cryoablation needle to maintain sterility during testing�
Black (K) ∆E ≤5.0