Advanced Channel Controls
Advanced Channel Controls for each channel provide options to change the needle type for the selected channel, link
two channels together, and program multiple freeze-thaw cycles�
Select Needle Type Control
1� To change the needle type for a channel, press and hold the Channel button to enter Advanced Channel
Controls for that channel (Screen 40)�
2� Select the proper needle type from the drop-down menu�
3� Press the OK button�
Screen 40. Advanced Channel Controls
Link Channels Control
1� Press and hold the Channel button to enter Advanced Channel Controls for that channel (Advanced Channel Controls)�
2� Press the Link button to link two channels together for simultaneous operation� When two channels are linked,
the Channel button shows both channels (Screen 41)�
NOTE: This function is not available on the channel labeled ALL� You can only link channels that are on the same
horizontal plane on the Needle Connection Panel (e�g�, 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6)�
Screen 41. Linked Channels
3� Press the Unlink button (accessed by pressing and holding the Channel button) to remove the link between
two channels so that each operates independently�
Black (K) ∆E ≤5.0