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Boston Scientific Visual-ICE Manuel D'utilisation page 26

Systeme de cryoablation


The diagnostic tests check:
• The correct version of firmware is running on the system
• Critical system components including the solenoid valves, internal power supplies, cooling fans, pressure
transducers, and temperature measuring circuits�
If the system detects a failure of an individual channel, the channel is disabled and the needle type display window,
bordered in red, notes the channel is defective� A message indicating the failure is displayed in the upper right-hand
corner of the Navigation Tool Bar (see Screen 1)�
Screen 1. Disabled Channel
A failure that prevents use of the system displays a message directing you to contact Boston Scientific Technical
Assistance Center (reference the Displayed Messages Section)�
If the Visual-ICE Cryoablation System software detects pressurized gas in the system and the gas supply is not connected,
a message appears requesting you to vent the gas from the system�
Screen 2. Vent Gas Message
Black (K) ∆E ≤5.0

