MRI Safety Information
Lead-Only System Scan
Testing has demonstrated that the Boston Scientific Lead‑Only System is MR Conditional. See the "MR Conditional
System Description" section of this manual for the definition of a Lead‑Only System.
Appendix A has an MRI Patient Eligibility form that may be used by the physician to confirm the patient meets the
DBS System Conditions for MRI Scans as described in this manual. A Pre‑MRI Scan Condition Checklist to determine
whether scan conditions have been met can be found in "Appendix B: Pre‑MRI Scan Condition Checklist". All Conditions
of Use must be met for an MRI scan to be performed.
An MRI may be safely performed on a patient implanted with a Lead‑Only System that meets the conditions outlined in
Table 7.
Read this manual in its entirety before performing a MRI scan on a patient implanted with any component of
the Boston Scientific DBS System.
ImageReady™ MRI Guidelines for Boston Scientific Deep Brain Stimulation Systems
MRI Safety Information
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