The following settings are available:
Round Robin
Random Exclusive
If no variation groups are activated, all zones play simultaneously. To avoid this,
activate the variation groups for the program or layer containing the zones and assign
the zones to the different variation groups.
Assigning Zones to Variation Groups
Proceed as follows:
1. In the Program Tree, select the zones that you want to add to the variation group.
2. Open the Sound editor for the zones.
3. In the Voice Control section, select the Trigger tab.
4. On the Variation Group pop-up menu, select a variation group.
Usually, the variation group numbers relate to the variation groups of the program. If
the zone is part of a layer with active variation groups, the numbers relate to the
variation groups of the layer instead.
The Quick Control Assignments Section
The Quick Controls Assignments section allows you to manage and edit the assigned
quick controls. It is described in detail in the section
The Note Expression Section
Cubase's Note Expression technology is essential for creating realistic instrument
performances. Note Expression allows you to create automated modulations for each
note. In general, HALion supports Note Expression for volume, pan, and tuning. With
any of HALion's programs you can automate these parameters in Cubase for each
note. But HALion can do more: In programs that give you access to the modulation
matrix, you can assign up to eight so-called Note Expression controllers to any
available modulation destination. These work in addition to the preassigned pitch, pan,
and level modulations. When the Note Expression controller is assigned, you can
specify a name for it to make it available in Cubase.
The eight Note Expression controllers of a program are shared by all zones. This
means that the Note Expression controller data affects all zones simultaneously.
Depending on how the Note Expression controllers are set up in the modulation
matrix, each zone might react differently.
All variations are triggered simultaneously.
All variations are triggered alternately in a fixed order.
All variations are triggered randomly. Individual variations can
be triggered repeatedly.
All variations are triggered randomly. No variation is directly
Editing Programs and Layers in the Sound Editor
The Quick Control Assignments Section
"Managing Quick Controls"