You can use the Glide parameter to bend the pitch between notes that follow each
other. You achieve the best results in Mono mode.
When you activate the Glide option, the following parameters become available:
If you use Cutoff, Amplitude and Pan Key Follow, the corresponding parameters also
change with the Glide effect.
Glide Groups
You can assign zones to Glide Groups. This way, the glide effect can be set
independently for the zones. This allows you to set up zones with overlapping Key
Range and different settings of Glide Time, for example.
Use Start Range
If a new note plays in a different zone with a different sample assigned, the new
sample is used to glide to the new pitch. Depending on the sample, this can produce
an unnatural attack. To avoid this, activate "Use Start Range". When this is activated,
the sample does not start from the beginning, but from the position you set with the
Sample Start Range parameter.
The Pitch Section
On the Pitch section for synth and sample zones, you can make settings for tuning
and pitch modulation. The following parameters are available:
Here, you can set the range of the pitch modulation that is applied when you move the
pitchbend wheel.
This specifies the time needed to bend the pitch from one note to
the other.
Activate this option to synchronize the delay time to the host tempo.
Select a note value from the pop-up menu. To change the selected
note value to a triplet, activate the "T" button.
Here, you can specify whether the glide time is constant and
independent from the note interval (Constant Time) or if the time
changes with the note interval (Constant Speed). When Constant
Speed is selected, larger intervals result in longer glide times.
You can select one of three curve types to define the glide behavior:
With the Linear curve, the pitch glides at continuous speed from the
start to the end pitch. With the Exponential curve, the pitch starts
gliding at higher speed and decelerates towards the end pitch. This
behavior is similar to the natural pitch glide produced by a singer.
With the Quantized curve, the pitch glides in semitones from the
start to the end pitch.
Activate this parameter to glide the pitch only between notes that
are played legato.
Editing Zones in the Sound Editor
The Pitch Section