The Sus/Rel Tab
The Sus/Rel tab contains the sustain and release settings for programs and layers.
Ind Sustain
Activate "Ind Sustain" to use individual sustain settings for the selected programs or
Sustain Mode
While holding the sustain pedal, HALion plays back notes that you play repeatedly up
to the Key Polyphony value. When you lift the sustain pedal, the notes of the keys that
are no longer held enter the release phase. Depending on the selected Sustain Mode,
the notes of the keys that are still held either keep playing, or also enter the release
The following settings are available:
Hold Loudest
Hold Last
Hold First
Hold All
Release All
Play Release
By default, the release phase of stolen notes is not played back and the notes fade out
in the time specified by the Fade Out parameter of the zone. Activate this option to
fade out the notes with their normal release phase instead.
The Variation Groups Section
To avoid the so-called machine gun effect that occurs when the same sample is
triggered repeatedly, you can create programs that use several samples for the same
key and velocity range. These samples can then be triggered alternately as variations.
To define which samples are triggered as variations, you can assign them to one the
variation groups. In the Variation Group section you can also specify the alternation
mode for each variation group.
• To use the Variation Group feature, activate the Enable button and select one of
the available modes for each group.
The loudest note keeps playing.
The last note you played keeps playing.
The first note you played keeps playing.
All notes keep playing.
All notes enter the release phase.
Editing Programs and Layers in the Sound Editor
The Variation Groups Section