Key Follow, Center Key, and KeyF Rel (Key Follow Release)
With the Key Follow and KeyF Rel parameters, you can scale the envelope times
across the keyboard. Key Follow scales all times before the sustain node. KeyF Rel
scales all times after the sustain node (that is to say the release of the envelope). You
can specify a center key that is used as the central position for the Key Follow and
KeyF Rel functions. The envelope times depend on the keyboard range in which the
note is played and on the corresponding Key Follow setting: Positive values decrease
the times for notes above and increase the times for notes below the Center Key; the
envelope becomes faster the higher the note you play. Negative values increase the
times for notes above and decrease the times for notes below the Center Key; the
envelope becomes slower the higher the note you play.
Mono LFO
HALion allows you to add monophonic LFOs as MIDI modules to the program. An LFO
module can be used for an entire program, or for specific layers. In this context,
monophonic means that these LFOs are only calculated once and feed multiple voices
at the same time. A pitch modulation controlled by the modulation wheel is a typical
example where one LFO controls the vibrato for all voices. Monophonic LFOs appear as
sources in the modulation matrix of the zones contained in a layer or program.
LFO Presets
HALion comes with LFO presets that you can use as a starting point for sound editing.
For detailed information on preset handling, see
LFO Parameters
LFO Waveform Types
Use the Waveform pop-up menu to select the basic type of waveform and use the
Shape control to change the characteristic of the waveform.
This produces smooth modulation, suitable for vibrato or tremolo. The
Shape parameter adds additional harmonics to the waveform.
This is similar in character to Sine. The waveform periodically ramps up and
down. The Shape parameter continuously changes the triangle waveform
to a trapezoid.
This produces a ramp cycle. The Shape parameter continuously changes
the waveform from ramp down to triangle to ramp up.
This produces stepped modulation, where the modulation switches
abruptly between two values. The Shape parameter continuously changes
the ratio between the high and low state of the waveform. Set Shape to
50% to produce a square wave.
This is similar to the Saw waveform. Turning up the Shape control
increases the length of the silence between ramps.
Logarithmic curve. The Shape parameter continuously changes the
logarithmic curvature from negative to positive.
MIDI Modules Reference
"Working with Presets"
Mono LFO