The Master Section
The master section can be used to set up volume and tuning for the plug-in.
Master Volume
Use the Master Volume slider to adjust the overall volume.
Master Tune
You can set the Master Tune slider within a range from 415.3 Hz to 466.2 Hz
(-100 cents to +100 cents). The default value is 440 Hz.
The Performance Displays
The performance displays to the right of the master section provide information about
the current system load.
This meter shows the processor load during playback. The more voices you play, the
higher the processor load. If the red overload indicator lights up, reduce the Max
Voices setting in the Options editor (see
This meter shows the hard disk transfer load during the streaming of samples or when
loading presets. If the red overload indicator lights up, the hard disk is not supplying
data fast enough. In such a case, adjust the Disk vs. RAM slider in the Options editor
towards RAM or decrease the Max Voices setting in the Options editor.
# – Polyphony
The first number indicates the number of voices currently played back, to help you
trace performance problems. If you have to reduce the Max Voices setting in the
Options editor, you can verify your settings by monitoring the number of voices
currently playing. The second number indicates the number of audio channels. For
example, one stereo voice displays two audio channels.
MEM (Memory)
This display indicates the overall amount of RAM currently used by the plug-in, to help
you trace performance problems. The number refers to the streaming buffer and the
preloaded samples. For example, if you need to free up memory for other applications,
you can do so by adjusting the Balance slider in the Options editor towards Disk and
verify your settings by monitoring the MEM display.
"Max Voices"
Global Functions and Settings
The Plug-in Functions Section