This parameter emphasizes the frequencies around the cutoff. For an electronic
sound, increase the resonance. At higher resonance settings, the filter self-oscillates,
which results in a ringing tone.
This parameter adds distortion to the signal. The effect depends largely on the
selected filter type. At higher settings, it creates a very intense distortion effect.
This parameter is only available for the Tube Drive, Hard Clip, Bit Red, Rate Red, and
Rate Red KF filter types.
CF Offset
For the dual filters, this parameter allows you to offset the cutoff frequency of the
second filter (filter shape B).
Res Offset
For the dual filters, this parameter allows you to offset the resonance of the second
filter (filter shape B).
This parameter adjusts the cutoff modulation from velocity. Set this parameter to
positive values to increase the cutoff with higher velocities. Use negative values to
decrease the cutoff with higher velocities.
The Norm option allows you to normalize the velocity values that are used to modulate
the filter. This means, that the velocity range for the zone is remapped to a full velocity
For example, if a zone ranges from 40 to 80 on the mapping velocity scale, an
incoming velocity of 40 results in a velocity value of 0 being sent to the cutoff, an
incoming velocity of 80 results in 127. This way, you can adapt velocity-layered zones
in such a way that each zone starts with a damped filter setting and opens completely
towards the zone above.
This parameter (only available for the algorithms Waldorf and HALion 3) adds a warm,
tube-like filter distortion to the signal.
Env Amnt (Envelope Amount)
Use this parameter to adjust the cutoff modulation from the filter envelope. Setting
negative values inverts the direction of the modulation from the filter envelope.
Key Follow
Here, you can adjust the cutoff modulation using the note number. Set this parameter
to positive values to raise the cutoff with notes above the center key. Use negative
values to lower the cutoff with notes below the center key. At +100 % the cutoff
follows the played pitch exactly.
Center Key
This parameter determines the MIDI note that is used as the central position for the
Key Follow function.
Editing Zones in the Sound Editor
The Filter Section