The Location Tree
This section allows you to navigate through the programs, layers, or zones in any
folder. You can even access files contained in VST Sound containers, HSB files, and
ISO files. When you select an entry in the tree, the results list on the right shows the
corresponding content.
• Use the "Refresh Views" command on the context menu to update the tree.
This is useful if you added a new disk to your setup or created a new folder on the
hard disk.
• Use the "Rescan Disk" command on the context menu to rescan the selected
element in the tree.
The corresponding files are opened, the information is extracted and the database
file is updated accordingly.
About Locations
In the Browser, you can set up so-called locations, that is, folders or directories on
your system that contain media files. By setting up locations, you can organize the files
available in the results list according to context.
The text field above the tree shows the name of the selected folder. If the name is
preceded by an asterisk, the folder has not been saved as a location yet.
Add Selected Media Node as Favorite Location Remove Favorite Location
Select Favorite
• Click in the text field to open the list of favorite locations.
• The "Add Selected Media Node as Favorite Location" button adds the current
folder to the favorite locations.
You can keep the folder name or specify a new name for the location.
• The "Remove Favorite Location" button deletes the current location from the list.
Using the Browser
The Location Tree