The main area for navigating and making selections in HALion is the Program Tree. It
shows the selected program with all its layers, zones, and modules. Furthermore, it
allows you to load programs and layers, to add, import, or delete zones, etc.
The first three columns in the Program Tree give you access to the Visibility, Mute, and
Solo functions inside the program. In the section to the right, the selected program
and its elements are displayed. They are organized in a hierarchical structure, with the
program at the topmost level.
Each element in the Program Tree is displayed with an icon in front of its name,
indicating the type of the element.
Programs and Layers
Programs are the top-level elements in the Program Tree. Only one program is
displayed at a time.
A HALion program is a complex instrument or sound that combines layers, sample
zones, synth zones, busses, MIDI modules, and FX modules. Often, a program contains
a single layer that already comes with all necessary components such as the synthesis
part or insert effects. This is because a layer already is a complete sound structure on its
own. Layers can be used to organize programs, for example by grouping a number of
zones. This is useful if you want to apply the same settings to a number of zones in one
go. The program adds the possibility of combining different layers to build up more
complex sounds or to create combinations of sounds you want to load as a unit. A
typical example is a bass/piano split sound or a piano/string layer sound.
Using the Program Tree