Sorting Layers and Zones
You can change the sorting order of layers and zones using the Sorting Options
submenu on the context menu for the column or manually via drag and drop.
Sorting by Columns
The layers and zones in the Program Tree can be sorted according to columns in
ascending or descending order. The triangle in the header of a column indicates that
the sorting via this column is active. The tip of the triangle points up for ascending and
down for descending order.
• To activate the sorting via a column, click the header of the corresponding column.
• To switch between ascending and descending order, click the header of the
column again.
• To deactivate the sorting via the column, click a third time.
Sorting the Name Column
By default, the Name column is sorted in alphabetical order. However, you can
change the sorting according to pitch, velocity, or root key.
• To change the sorting, open the context menu, select Sorting Options and choose
an option.
Changing the Sorting Order Manually
Samples are imported and shown in a certain order. When the column sorting is not
activated for a column, you can change the order manually using drag and drop.
Using the Program Tree
Customizing the Program Tree