Applying Filters
Category Filter
You can filter the results list based on up to four filter criteria using the configurable
attribute columns.
Standard attributes are Category, Sub Category, Style, and Character. By clicking on
specific values in the columns, you define the filter. Only the files that match the
selected values are displayed in the results list. Select more values from other
columns to refine the filter.
• To select different filter criteria, click the column header, and select a different
attribute from the submenu.
Instrument Set Filter
Use the "Instrument Set Filter" pop-up menu to search a certain content set only. By
default, the search is performed in any of the installed content sets.
Using the Results List
The results list shows all files that have been found according to the category filter.
View Filters
The toolbar of the results list has three filter buttons to define which preset types are
displayed. Presets can be multis, programs, and layers. To show a preset, activate the
corresponding icon. In the results list, the corresponding icon is shown to the left of
the preset name.
The columns of the results list show all the attribute values for the presets that match
the filters that you set up in the top section.
You can reorder the columns in the results list by dragging the table headers to
another position. Furthermore, you can use the column headers to change the sorting
of the list entries. The triangle in the column header shows the sorting direction.
Setting Up the Result Columns
You can select which attribute columns are displayed, by clicking the "Set up Result
Columns" button on the toolbar of the results list. The attributes that you choose are
added at the right of the list.
Rating Filter
You can limit the results list to presets that have a certain rating. The rating slider
allows you to define the minimum rating.
Managing Your Sounds
Managing Files via the MediaBay