The MegaTrig module is used for controlling playing styles and articulations and for
triggering release samples and instrument noises.
Setting up Conditions
By setting up conditions, you can determine which zone is triggered. For each
condition, you can specify an event and range.
Proceed as follows:
1. In the Program Tree, insert the MegaTrig module at the position where you want to
apply the playback rules.
This can be the program or one of its layers. Any zones within the program or layer
are affected, too.
2. Open the editor of the MegaTrig module.
3. On the pop-up menu for the first condition, select an event.
4. Activate the condition by clicking the On button to the left of the menu.
5. Use the faders and value fields to the right to adjust the minimum and maximum
value of the range.
6. To set up more conditions, repeat these steps for additional rows.
7. Select the logical operations, AND or OR, from the menu to the left of the
conditions. To invert a condition, activate the NOT operation (the button with the
exclamation mark).
The Expression field displays the conditions and logical operations you set.
The operation AND is executed before the operation OR.
8. Set the Trigger option to determine which notes are triggered when the expression
becomes TRUE.
Setting up the Expression Manually
Instead of using the AND/OR menus and NOT buttons, you can enter the expression
manually. This way, you can also influence the execution order of the expression.
Proceed as follows:
1. Click the edit button next to the Expression field.
2. Type in the conditions and logical operations, for example A AND B OR C.
Instead of AND, OR, and NOT, you can also type &, | and !.
MIDI Modules Reference