The Audio Bus Architecture
Changing the Output Assignments of Zones
1. Select the zones in the Program Tree.
2. Open the Sound editor, show the Amplifier section and open the AUX tab.
3. From the Output pop-up menu, select a plug-in output or AUX bus.
In addition, you can use the send level knobs of the zones to route individual audio
signals to insert effects on AUX busses.
Automatic Bus Width Adaptation
HALion is constantly monitoring the width of all busses in the signal path and adapts
to the required width automatically. This may be the case when adding a surround
sample zone to a layer that only contains stereo samples so far. In this case, the layer
bus and all following busses are set to surround to allow a correct routing. The stereo
sample will still be routed correctly to channel one and two.
Another way to change the bus width in the middle of the signal path is to add a
surround panner to one of the insert effect slots of a stereo bus. In this case, the
output of the bus changes from stereo to surround and forces following busses to do
the same.
AUX busses change their bus width, too, if they receive signals from surround
Output busses cannot change their bus width automatically, because they are usually
connected to a hardware device. Therefore, the routing to the plug-in output busses
has to be changed manually. Make sure that surround slots are routed to the surround
output and stereo busses to one of the stereo outputs.
In case your routing is not set up correctly, the corresponding channels show a red
warning icon to indicate that the width of two or more busses does not fit and you
loose audio channels.
In some cases it might be necessary to connect surround busses to stereo outputs.
To avoid losing any of the audio channels, you can add the Downmix effect to one of
the inserts. This reduces the bus width to stereo.
Automatic Output Connection
HALion allows you to select outputs in many places. You can find output selectors in
zones, layer busses, AUX busses, and slots. Each output can be freely named and the
output selectors reflect these names.
Different programs on different slots may contain output configurations that are not
available, because busses with the required names are not present in a HALion multi.
In case that connections cannot be established due to different names, a dialog
opens showing all pending busses. For each missing bus you can select another bus
to be used instead.
Pending busses can also occur when loading layers into programs. In case a layer does
not find the required busses, the same dialog opens and you can select another bus.
If an assigned output bus is deactivated in the host, HALion shows a red warning icon
on the output channel and the Mixer channels that are connected to it. Nevertheless,
you will still be able to hear the signal, because all signals are deviated to the master
bus in the background. However, all output selectors remain on their current setting
and you can reestablish the connections later, by activating the outputs in your host.
Mixing and Routing