Loading Programs into the Program Table
There are several ways to load a program into the Program Table:
• Drag it from the MediaBay to the Program Table.
• In the MediaBay, right-click a program to open the context menu, and select "Load
Program into selected Slot".
• Click the "Load Program" button in the Program Table toolbar, select a program,
and click OK.
If the selected entry in the Program Table already contains a program, the current
program is replaced. All slots that are making use of that program then refer to the
new program.
When multiple programs are dropped on a list entry, not only the target program is
replaced but also the following programs. The number of programs that are replaced
corresponds to the number of programs that you have dragged to the Program Table.
You can also drag and drop programs from third-party sampler formats using the
Import Tree, see
Loading Programs from the Program Table to the Slot Rack
When dropping a program onto a free Program Table entry, it is added to the table
without being actually loaded to any of the slots. This way you can create a program
table without having to load all programs immediately.
If you want to use the program in a slot, you can create a new slot or replace the
program in an existing slot.
In case a program is loaded multiple times to different slots the slot rack focus jumps
to the first slot.
Creating New Slots
• Make sure that no slot is selected and double-click the program.
• Drag a program to an empty space in the Slot Rack.
Replacing Programs in Slots
• Double-click a program to replace the program in the selected slot.
• Drag a program from the table into an existing slot.
To quickly see which programs are assigned to slots their program numbers are
displayed in yellow.
Preloading Programs
When a program was loaded to the Program Table but is not used by one of the slots,
its samples are not preloaded. However, you can preload unassigned programs to
allow for a faster MIDI program change. You can activate the Preload option
individually for each program. This setting is saved with the project and plug-in preset.
Proceed as follows:
• Open the context menu for a program and select "Always Preload".
• Activate the Preload icon of the program in the Preload column.
• To deactivate preloading, select "Preload Program On Demand" on the context
menu, or deactivate the icon in the Preload column.
"Importing Third-Party Sampler Programs"
Loading and Managing Programs
Loading Programs into the Program Table