Setting Up a Modulation
Proceed as follows:
1. Select the zone that you want to adjust.
2. Open the Modulation Matrix section.
3. In one of the modulation rows, select a modulation source and destination (for
example LFO1 as source and Pitch as destination).
4. Use the horizontal fader below the destination to adjust the modulation depth.
5. Play a few notes to hear the modulation.
6. You can select a modifier or change the polarity of the source.
For example, from the "Source 2" pop-up menu, select Pitch Bend as the modifier
and set its polarity to unipolar.
7. Play a few notes and move the pitchbend wheel to hear how the modulation is
8. Finally, use the curve and range editor to limit the modulation range or to adjust the
characteristic of the modulation.
Modulation Sources
The modulation sources are available from the Source and Modifier pop-up menus.
HALion offers you the following modulation sources:
Amp Envelope
Filter Envelope
Pitch Envelope
User Envelope
Step Modulator
Key Follow
Note-on Vel
Note-on Vel
Note-on Vel
The first LFO of the zone, which produces cyclic modulation
The second LFO of the zone, which produces cyclic modulation
The amplifier envelope of the zone (unipolar). The shape of the
envelope equals the modulation signal.
The filter envelope of the zone (unipolar). The shape of the envelope
equals the modulation signal.
The pitch envelope of the zone (bipolar). The shape of the envelope
equals the modulation signal.
The user envelope of the zone (bipolar). The shape of the envelope
equals the modulation signal.
The step modulator of the zone (bipolar). This produces cyclic,
rhythmically stepped modulation signals.
The glide signal of the source (unipolar).
This produces an exponential modulation signal derived from the
MIDI note number. Exponential means this source works with
destinations such as Pitch or Cutoff. Key follow is bipolar.
Note-on velocity (how fast you hit a key) can be used as a
modulation signal. Note-on Vel is unipolar.
The squared version of Note-on Vel. Squared means you have to
press the key harder to produce higher modulation values.
The note-on velocity is normalized via the velocity range of the
corresponding zone. At the lowest velocity of the zone the
modulation is 0, at the highest velocity it is 1.
Editing Zones in the Sound Editor
The Modulation Matrix Section