Key Range (Low Key, High Key)
Each slot can be limited to a certain key range. Set the range with the Low Key and
High Key values or by dragging the keyboard range control at its ends. When you
click and drag towards the middle of the keyboard, both values are moved at the same
time. As an additional option, you can use the MIDI input to set the range. Simply click
in a value field and play the note.
To set the key range, proceed as follows:
1. At the top of the MIDI editor, click the Key button.
2. In the slot, set the key range with the keyboard range controls and/or Low
Key/High Key value fields.
Velocity Range (Low Vel, High Vel)
Each slot can be limited to a velocity range. Set the range with the Low Vel and High
Vel values or by dragging the graphical velocity range control at its ends. When you
click and drag towards the middle of the velocity range control, both values are moved
at the same time.
To adjust the velocity range, proceed as follows:
1. At the top of the MIDI editor, click the Vel button.
2. In the slot, set the velocity range with the velocity range control and/or Low
Vel/High Vel value fields.
Controller Filter
You can filter out the most commonly used MIDI controllers for each slot separately.
For example, when you set up a keyboard split with bass and piano playing on the
same MIDI channel, both sounds will receive the same MIDI controllers. However, you
usually do not want the bass to receive the sustain pedal. To avoid that all sounds on
the same MIDI channel receive the same MIDI controllers, use the controller filter.
To filter out the most commonly used MIDI controllers, proceed as follows:
1. At the top of the MIDI editor, click the Ctrl button.
2. In the slot, click the button of the MIDI controller you want to filter out.
The following MIDI controllers and messages can be filtered out: Sustain #64,
Foot Controller #4, Foot Switches #65-69, Control Change, Pitchbend,
Modulation Wheel #1, and Aftertouch.
Filtering out Control Change messages can be used to avoid unwanted program
changes on MIDI channel 10 (drums), for example.
Showing Empty Slots
By default the MIDI editor only shows slots that are currently in use by programs.
To show also all empty slots, activate the "Show Empty Slots" option in the title bar.
Using MIDI Controllers
HALion allows you to assign almost any parameter to a MIDI controller. However, you
can only assign one parameter of a single zone, layer, effect control, etc. at a time. If
you want to use the same MIDI controller for several zones, layers, etc. you have to
assign it several times.
A more convenient way to control a zone parameter like the cutoff frequency for all
zones, for example is to assign a quick control to that parameter and then assign the
MIDI controller to that quick control. Not only can you now control all zones
simultaneously, but this way you can also preserve different cutoff settings per zone
and just control the offset added by the quick control.
MIDI Editing and Controllers
Using MIDI Controllers