Using the Visibility Settings
Hidden layers and zones are not displayed in the Mapping editor.
Visible zones have an eye icon in the first column of the Program Tree. For invisible
zones or layers the eye icon is dimmed. When a program or layer contains hidden
zones, its icon changes to a half dimmed eye.
To hide or show layers and zones, you have the following possibilities:
• Click in the Visibility column for the layer or zone you want to hide or show.
• Use the options on the Visibility submenu of the context menu.
• To show a single layer or zone, [Alt]/[Option]-click its eye icon.
All other layers and zones are hidden.
• To show only the selected layers and zones, press [Ctrl]-[U] (Win) or [Alt]-[U] (Mac).
• To show all layers and zones, press [Shift]-[Ctrl]-[U] (Win) or [Shift]-[Alt]-[U] (Mac).
Using "Auto Visibility"
The "Auto Visibility" automatically shows the selected zones and any of their direct
siblings that are part of the same layer. Other zones are hidden.
• To activate Auto Visibility, open the context menu, select the Visibility submenu,
and choose Auto Visibility.
With this option active, you can still toggle the visibility of zones inside the visible
Adding MIDI Modules
MIDI modules process the stream of MIDI events inside a program. They can produce
monophonic modulation signals, which can be used as sources in the modulation
matrix. The MIDI modules can be assigned to the whole program or a single layer.
To add a module, proceed as follows:
1. With the program or a layer selected, click the "Create New MIDI Module" icon on
the toolbar of the Program Tree.
2. On the menu, select the MIDI module you want to add.
• Alternatively, open the context menu, select New and MIDI Module, and select the
module from the submenu.
Adding Insert Effects
To add insert effects to an audio bus, proceed as follows:
• Select the audio bus, click the FX icon on the toolbar, and select the effect you
want to add from the menu.
• Alternatively, open the context menu for the audio bus, select New and FX, and
select an effect from the submenu.
Changing the Order of MIDI Modules and Insert Effects
The order of MIDI modules and insert effects in the Program Tree also determines the
order of the processing. The topmost element is processed first, the lowest last. You
can change the order of the elements using drag and drop.
Using the Program Tree
Adding MIDI Modules