Sustain + Fade
Graphical Envelope Editing
You can adjust the times of the envelope in the graphical editor by dragging nodes left
or right.
• The first node adjusts the Delay time.
• The second node adjusts the Fade In time.
• The third node adjusts the Hold time.
• The fourth node adjusts the Fade Out time.
The Step Modulator Section
Synth and sample zones feature a polyphonic step modulator for creating rhythmic
control sequences. The step modulator can be freely assigned in the modulation
matrix. The sequence can have up to 32 steps.
At the top right of the Step Modulator section, you can load and save presets for the
step modulator.
Editing Steps
To adjust the steps using the mouse, proceed as follows:
• To set the level of a step, click in the graphical editor.
• To change the value of a single step, drag it up/down.
• To adjust all steps at once, [Shift]-drag a step.
• To reset a step to a level of 0 %, [Ctrl]/[Command]-click the step.
• To reset all steps, [Shift]-[Ctrl]/[Command]-click in the graphical editor.
• To draw a ramp with steps, [Alt]/[Option]-click and draw a line.
• To draw symmetric ramps, [Shift]-[Alt]/[Option]-click and draw a line.
• You can also enter a value directly in the value field for the step.
• To increment or decrement the selected step, use the up and down arrow keys.
By default, the increment or decrement is in steps of 1 %. Hold [Shift] to increment
or decrement the selected step in steps of 0.1 %.
When you play a note, the Delay and Fade In parameters are
applied. The Hold parameter acts as sustain. The fade out is applied
when releasing the key. Releasing a key during the fade in starts the
fade out from the current level.
When you play a note, the Delay and Fade In parameters are
applied. Both the Hold and Fade Out parameters act as sustain.
Releasing a key during the Fade In sustains the current level. This
prevents a change in modulation when a key is released.
Editing Zones in the Sound Editor
The Step Modulator Section