Low Vel
Defines the lowest velocity on which the program or layer is triggered.
High Vel
Defines the highest velocity on which the program or layer is triggered.
Sus, FCtrl, FSw, PB, MW, and AT
The Filter options allow you to filter incoming MIDI controllers.
Adjusts the level of the layer. This parameter works as an offset to the zone settings.
Defines the position of the layer in the stereo panorama. This parameter works as an
offset to the zone settings.
The Trigger Section
The Trigger section allows you to control the triggering and releasing behavior.
Ind MegaTrig
If you want the key switch assignments across different layers to work individually,
activate the individual MegaTrig management of these layers. This can be necessary
when two layers with different key switches are used together in one program. For
more information about the MegaTrig module, see
Transposes the key switches that you set up for the MegaTrig module.
Start Key
Defines the key that is used as the lowest key switch.
Key Switch Mode
Defines how long a key switch is active:
• If set to Permanent, the key switch stays active until another key switch is used.
• If set to Temporary, the key switch is only active for as long as the corresponding
key is pressed.
Default Switch
Specifies the default key switch that is active when you load a program, that means,
before you used the first key switch. The default key switch is also used in Temporary
mode when no key switch is pressed.
If you set Default Switch to a note value that is not assigned as a key switch, the
lowest key switch is automatically used as the default key switch.
Editing Programs and Layers in the Sound Editor
The Trigger Section