Key Command Conventions
Many of the default key commands in HALion use modifier keys, some of which are
different depending on the operating system. For example, the default key command
for Undo is [Ctrl]-[Z] under Windows and [Command]-[Z] under Mac OS X.
When key commands with modifier keys are described in this manual, they are shown
with the Windows modifier key first:
[Win modifier key]/[Mac modifier key]-[key]
For example, [Ctrl]/[Command]-[Z] means "press [Ctrl] under Windows or
[Command] under Mac OS X, then press [Z]".
Similarly, [Alt]/[Option]-[X] means "press [Alt] under Windows or [Option] under Mac
OS X, then press [X]".
Please note that this manual often refers to right-clicking, for example, to open context
menus. If you are using a Mac with a single-button mouse, hold down [Ctrl] and click.
How You Can Reach Us
Clicking the Steinberg logo in the top right corner of HALion opens a pop-up menu
containing items for getting additional information and help:
• This menu contains links to various Steinberg web pages. Selecting a link
automatically launches your browser application and opens the page.
On the web pages, you can find support and compatibility information, answers to
frequently asked questions, links for downloading new drivers, etc. This requires
that you have a browser application installed on your computer and a working
internet connection.
• When you choose the Help item, an online version of the documentation opens.
• You also find a menu item for the registration of your product.
For further information, see
Please read the following section before installing HALion.
The USB-eLicenser
Many Steinberg products, including HALion, use the USB-eLicenser, a hardware
copy protection device. HALion will not run without an eLicenser containing an
activated license.
The USB-eLicenser is a separate product and is not included in the product package
of HALion.
The USB-eLicenser is a USB device on which your Steinberg software licenses are
stored. All hardware-protected Steinberg products use the same type of device, and
you can store more than one license on one device. Also, licenses can (within certain
limits) be transferred between USB-eLicensers. This is helpful if you want to sell a
piece of software, for example.
"Register Your Software"
Installation and Setup
Key Command Conventions