Icon Color
Dark blue
Editing Zones, Programs, and Layers
Creating Zones
To create a new zone, you have the following possibilities:
• Drag and drop samples from the Cubase MediaBay, Windows Explorer, or Mac
OS Finder to a program or layer.
• Right-click a layer in the Program Tree, open the New submenu, and select Zone.
• Click the Zone icon on the toolbar of the Program Tree.
When creating new zones, HALion uses the default zone preset to set the zone
parameters to their default values. This preset contains all zone parameters, but no
sample-related parameters (sample start/end, loop start/end, etc.).
• To use specific zone settings, modify the default preset, and save it as default in
your "user presets" directory.
Creating Layers
To create new layers you have the following possibilities:
• Click the "Create New Layer" icon on the toolbar. When a layer is selected, the
new layer is added within this layer. When a zone is selected, the new layer is
added on the same hierarchy level as the zone.
• Too add multiple layers on the same level, [Shift]-click the "Create New Layer"
icon on the toolbar.
• Right-click a layer, open the New submenu, and select Layer.
Saving Programs and Layers
You can save programs and layers from the Program Tree as VST presets.
• To save a program, click the Save icon on the toolbar, or use the "Save Program"
command on the Load/Save submenu of the context menu.
• To save a certain layer, open the context menu, select the "Load/Save" submenu,
and select "Save Layer".
Deleting Programs, Layers, and Zones
• Select the program or any number of layers and zones, and click the trash icon on
the toolbar, or press [Backspace], or open the context menu and select Delete.
Deleting zones does not delete any samples on your hard drive.
When you create a new sample zone, it is not linked to a sample, yet.
To indicate this, the icons of the corresponding sample zones turn
To free memory on your computer, you can remove the samples
completely from RAM. The samples are played back from the hard
disk only. To indicate this, the icons of the corresponding sample
zones turn magenta.
To reduce hard-disk load, HALion can playback samples from RAM
only. To indicate this, the icons of the corresponding sample zones
turn dark blue.
Using the Program Tree
Editing Zones, Programs, and Layers