Ricoh MPC 2800 AT-C2 Mode D'emploi page 770

Table des Matières


8. Appendix: SP Mode Tables
8 151
8 155
8 15x 1 B/W
8 15x 2 Color
8 15x 3 ACS
• These counters count jobs, not pages.
• If the job is cancelled during scanning, it is not counted.
• If the job is cancelled while it is waiting to be sent, the job is not counted.
• If the job is cancelled during sending, it may or may not be counted, depending on what stage of the
process had been reached when the job was cancelled.
• Even if several files are combined for sending, the transmission counts as one job.
8 161
8 163
• This counts fax jobs started from a PC using a PC fax application, and sending the data out to the
destination from the PC through the copier.
8 171
T:Deliv Jobs/WSD
8 175
S:Deliv Jobs/WSD
-001 B/W
-002 Color
-003 ACS
T:Deliv Jobs/PC
These SPs count the total number of jobs (color or black-and-white) scanned and sent
to a folder on a PC (Scan-to-PC).
Note: At the present time, 8 151 and 8 155 perform identical counts.
S:Deliv Jobs/PC
These SPs count the total number of jobs (color or black-and-white) scanned and sent
with Scan-to-PC.
[0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]
[0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]
These SPs count the number of PC Fax transmission
jobs. A job is counted from when it is registered for
sending, not when it is sent.
[0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]
Note: At the present time, these counters perform
identical counts.
These SPs count the pages scanned by WS.
[0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]



Table des Matières

Table des Matières