Ricoh MPC 2800 AT-C2 Mode D'emploi page 691

Table des Matières


The SP sets the number that switches to PSTN for the outside connection for embedded
RCG-M in a system that employs a PBX (internal line).
• If the execution of SP5816-151 has succeeded and embedded RCG-M has
connected to the external line, this SP display is completely blank.
• If embedded RCG-M has connected to an internal line, then the number of the
connection to the external line is displayed.
• If embedded RCG-M has connected to an external line, a comma is displayed with
the number. The comma is inserted for a 2 sec. pause.
• The number setting for the external line can be entered manually (including commas).
Dial Up User Name
Use this SP to set a user name for access to remote dial up. Follow these rules when setting
a user name:
• Name length: Up to 32 characters
• Spaces and # allowed but the entire entry must be enclosed by double quotation
marks (").
Dial Up Password
Use this SP to set a password for access to remote dial up. Follow these rules when setting
a user name:
• Name length: Up to 32 characters
• Spaces and # allowed but the entire entry must be enclosed by double quotation
marks (").
Local Phone Number
Use this SP to set the telephone number of the line where embedded RCG-M is connected.
This number is transmitted to and used by the Call Center to return calls.
Limit: 24 numbers (numbers only)
Connection Timing Adjustment: Incoming
When the Call Center calls out to an embedded RCG-M modem, it sends a repeating ID
tone (*#1#). This SP sets the time the line remains open to send these ID tones after the
number of the embedded RCG-M modem is dialed up and connected.
[0 to 24 / 1 / 1 /step]
The actual amount of time is this setting x 2 sec. For example, if you set "2" the line will
remain open for 4 sec.
163 Access Point
System Service Mode



Table des Matières

Table des Matières