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MSW Motor Technics MSW-FI-7500 Manuel D'utilisation page 254


Specification of high-performance vector convertor
Set the accumulated power-on time
When the accumulated power-on time (P7-13) P8-16 reach the set power-up time, the inverter multi-function digital output
DO ON signal. The following examples illustrate the application:
Example: Combining virtual DIDO function, to achieve the set power-up time after reaching 100 hours, the inverter fault
alarm output. Program:
Virtual DI1 terminal function set to user-defined fault 1: A1-00 = 44;
DI1 virtual terminal active, is set to come from virtual DO1: A105 = 0000; virtual DO1 function, set the power-on time of
arrival: A1-11 = 24; set the power accumulated 100 hours of arrival: P8-16 = 100.
When the cumulative power-up time of 100 hours, and the inverter fault output Err24.
It is used to set the running time of the inverter.
When the total running time (P7-09) reaches this setup running time, the inverter multi-function digital output DO ON signal.
Start protection selection
Setting range
This parameter is related to the security function of the inverter.
If this parameter is set to 1 if the time run on electric drive command is active (for example, a terminal run command before
power is in a closed state), the inverter does not respond to the Run command, you must first run the command once removed,
run the command again after the effective drive only response.
In addition, if the parameter is set to 1, if the inverter fault reset time run command, the inverter will not run in response to a
command, you must first run the command to remove the running protection status.
Setting this parameter to 1 can be prevented in the knowledge, that occur at power or fault reset, the motor operates in
response to commands and cause danger.
Frequency detection value (FDT1)
Frequency detection hysteresis value (FDT1)
When the operating frequency higher than the frequency detection value, the inverter output DO multifunction output ON
signal, and the frequency is lower than the detection value after a certain frequency, output ON DO signal is canceled.
Said parameter value is set for detecting the output frequency, output value and hysteresis action removed. Wherein P8-20
lag frequency percentage frequency detection value P8-19 respect. Figure 6-16 is a schematic diagram FDT functionality.
Setting range
Set the accumulated run time
Setting range
Setting range
Setting range
Factory default
Factory default
Factory default
Does not protect
Factory default
0.00Hz ~ maximum frequency
Factory default
0.0% ~ 100.0% (FDT1 level)
- 109 -
Parameter description

