8. A partial treatment can be performed. For example, if the distal end of the balloon is placed inside the renal artery and
the proximal end is left in the aorta, then only the electrodes displayed in green or yellow will be activated (Figure 10).
Any purple electrodes will remain inactive during the treatment. Press the Treat Button to begin therapy.
9. A balloon that has achieved full apposition will display all electrodes in green (Figure 11).
10. After pressing the Treat Button to begin therapy the generator will display the real-time average temperature
achieved (°C), average power delivered (W), ratio of active to total electrodes (active/total), and time remaining for
the therapy(s) (Figure 12). In addition, the circular progress dial will count down and transition from blue to black to
indicate that treatment is being delivered.
11. Final treatment parameters are displayed upon therapy completion (Figure 13). Press the Treat Button in order to
proceed to the Apposition Screen if another treatment is required. To power off the system, hold down the Power
Button for at least three seconds.
figure 10: apposition screen ("partial activation")
figure 11: apposition screen ("full contact")
figure 12: treatment screen
figure 13: treatment summary screen
Black (K) ∆E ≤5.0