Training Guidelines
Attention: Read this section prior to starting your workout.
Important: If you are over 35 and have
been inactive for several years, you should
consult your physician, who if necessary
will recommend a standardised training test.
Your physician can likewise support you in
determining the target heart rate right for
you, which suits your age and physical fi tness.
You should also contact your physician, if you
have any of the following:
• High blood pressure • High cholesterol
• Asthma • Heart problems
• A family history of early strokes and fatal
heart attacks
• Occasional dizziness
• Extreme shortage of breathe following
mild exertion
• Arthritis or other bone problems
• Severe problems with your muscles, discs
or ligaments
• Other known or suspected illnesses
• If you experience any kind of pain or
tightness in the chest, erratic beating
of the heart or a shortness of breath,
immediately stop your workout. Consult
your physician before continuing.
• Pregnancy
• Disturbances to your equilibrium
• Taking of medication, which affects your
heart rate.
Phases of the Workout
Regardless of whether you are training
with your LEG MAGIC™ or performing a
cardiovascular workout, your routine should
always consist of the following three phases.
Warm-up Phase
In order to prevent injury and maximise
your performance, we recommend that
every workout start with a warm-up phase.
The warm-up should gently prepare your
muscles for the exertion to come. Begin
by performing long gentle activities for 5 to
10 minutes (such as walking), which
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gradually increase your heart rate and loosens
your muscles. Your warm-up activities should
consist of aerobic exercises and only require
a mild, unforced range of motion.
Afterwards, 5 to 10 minutes of stretching
should be performed. You will fi nd stretching
exercises on pages 48 and 49 of these
operating instructions. Never go beyond the
point of gentle tension when stretching your
muscles. Perform your motions in a gentle,
rhythmic and controlled manner.
Body Building or Cardiovascular
Your warm-up phase should be followed by
either a body-building programme using the
LEG MAGIC™ trainer or a cardiovascular
programme depending on your workout
routine for the day.
Regardless which programme you conduct,
build on your current level of fi tness and
increase in a tempo that is comfortable
for you. During the fi rst weeks, you may
experience some sore muscles. This is quite
normal and should discontinue within a
few days. If you experience considerable
discomfort, you could be performing a
programme, which is too advanced for you
or you have increased your programme to
Warm-down and Stretching Phase
Your workout should be followed by a
warm-down phase. The warm-down should
be completed for a period of 5 to 10 minutes
using gentle exercises followed by stretching
exercises. You will fi nd stretching exercises
on pages 48 and 49 of these operating
instructions. Never go behind the point of
gentle tension when stretching your muscles.
Perform your motions in a relaxed, rhythmic
and controlled manner.
06.07.11 09:12