When Should You Workout
An hour before supper is a preferred time for
working out. Training late in the day offers a
welcome change to the stress from the work
day and helps in relieving the worries and
tensions from the day. Another good time
is early in the morning before the workday
begins. Supporters of the early workout claim
that it will make you more alert and energetic
for your job.
Among the factors, which you should consider
in creating your workout plan, are personal
preferences, job and familial commitments,
availability of the exercise space and the
weather. It is important that you plan your
workout sessions such that there are a
minimum of possibilities for you to interrupt it
or cancel it due to other time commitments.
In the event of hot, humid weather or two
hours after eating, you should not workout
at the exertion limit. Heat and/or digestion
present your circulatory system with
considerable demands and combined with a
workout, this can result in a doubled strain.
Measure Your Heart Rate
If you monitor your heart rate during your
workout, take your pulse within 5 seconds
of interrupting the exercises since your pulse
drops as soon as your stop moving.
Take your pulse for 10 seconds and multiply it
by six in order to get the rate per minute.
Heart Rate
The guidelines for the intensity of aerobic
activities are generally applied at 60 to 85 %
of the heart rate. But, if you are out of shape,
keep in mind that a moderate to low level and
constant cardiovascular training – signifi cantly
below the standard recommendations – can
signifi cantly and benefi cially infl uence your
health and cardiovascular stamina.
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You can use the following calculation to
determine the heart rate you are working
% heart rate = (220–age) x %.
This means for example: A 70 % heart rate
for a 40 year old would be (220–40) x 70 %
or 126. As such, this person would have to
attain 126 heartbeats in order to achieve
a 70-percent heart rate. The information
specifi ed above only represents guidelines.
Persons with medical limitations should
discuss this formula with their physician.
Your workout clothing should be roomy
in order to allow full range of motion
while the wearer should feel comfortable
and confi dent. Never wear clothing made
of rubber or plastic as such clothing can
hamper transpiration and cause the body
temperature to rise to dangerous levels.
Wear comfortable shoes made of a
profi cient material with anti-slip soles such
as running or aerobic shoes.
Tips For Sticking With It
1. Develop a specifi c plan and write it down.
2. Continue to set realistic goals while
carrying on with the programme and
remind yourself often of them.
3. Keep a book for documenting your
progress and always keep it up to date.
See the tables in these operating
4. Record measurements of weight and
body fat in your book. It is easy to quickly
regain those extra pounds.
5. Gain the support and accompaniment of
your family and friends.
6. Tell others of your accomplishments.
7. Avoid injury by stopping yourself and
make a warm-up and warm-down phase
part of your workout programme.
8. Reward yourself regularly for the good
06.07.11 09:12