STEP 3: Achieve Final Haemostasis
Step 3.1: Prepare to Strip Collagen
Step 3.2: Strip Collagen Using the Green Tube, Then Remove Device
Step 3.3: Confirm Final Haemostasis
1. Apply compression as needed until final haemostasis is achieved.
2. Observe the access site for final haemostasis per institution protocol.
3. Apply sterile dressing to site per institution protocol.
Step 3.4: In Recovery and Discharge
1. Maintain bed rest and periodically check site per institutional protocol pre and post ambulation.
2. If tissue tract oozing is present, apply compression.
3. Give the patient the completed Patient Implant Card prior to discharge.
Step 3.5: Dispose of Device
After use, dispose of the contaminated device and/or packaging materials using standard hospital procedures and universally
accepted practices for bio-hazardous waste.
IFU 5686 AE, 2024-04
1. Remove the Clip.
Grasp the Green Tube between the thumb and the index finger.
Option 1: Move the Green Tube, Device
1. Advance the Green Tube down the
tissue tract while maintaining gentle
back tension on the device to keep
the Disc positioned against the vessel
wall. Slide the Green Tube back and
forth 2-3 times to ensure the release
of the Collagen Patch. Leave the
Green Tube in the forward position.
2. Relax tension on device and collapse
the Disc (see below).
3. Apply compression to the vessel
puncture site and remove the device.*
Apply compression until final
haemostasis is confirmed.
*This action slides the collapsed Disc by the hydrated Collagen Patch without displacing
the Collagen Patch.
Collapse the Disc:
1. With slack in the Catheter, press the Black Actuator tip.
2. The Green Segment should not be visible.
Option 2: Move the Device while keeping
the Green Tube Stationary (e.g., where the
Green Tube is not sufficiently visible to
easily move it, such as in patients with
deeper tissue tracts)
1. Grasp the Green Tube and hold
stationary with respect to the body.
2. Collapse the Disc (see below).
Retract device until resistance is met.
Let go of the Green Tube.
Apply compression to the vessel
puncture site and remove the device.*
Apply compression until final
haemostasis is confirmed.
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