K-MINC-2000 Instructions for Use
4.10.4 Removing flasks for replacement
The humidification flasks must be replaced when the sterile water level
reaches the MIN FILL line on the front of the flask. Or, if the MINC+ device
is not in use, the flasks must be removed and replaced with new flasks at
To remove the flask:
1. Ensure that the gas flow to the chamber is disabled before
2. Open the chamber lid of the flask that needs to be replaced.
3. Slide the HF top latch back, and remove the flask T-piece from the slot
in the chamber baseplate. The tab on the HF stand base may be used
to assist in removing the T-piece tube from the chamber baseplate slot.
4. While holding the end of the flask T-piece as high as possible to
prevent any water spillage, grasp the top latch or the front of the flask
and rotate the flask out of the HF bay until the flask is at an angle of
approximately 10-15 degrees.
5. Gently pull the flask back out of the HF bay to disengage the HF seal
housing from the HF bay gas nozzle, ensuring that the HF filter sleeve
remains with the flask to be disposed.
6. Dispose of the flask in a biohazard container or bag.
4.11 Activating the device
Turning on the MINC+
1. Connect the IEC plug on the power cord to the corresponding socket
on the rear of the MINC+.
2. Plug the power cord into an earthed mains power supply socket.
3. Turn on the gas supply, ensuring that the gas pressure to the MINC+ is
set to 150 kpa ± 15 kPa.
4. Switch on the power to the MINC+.
The MINC+ will perform a self-test and start the center console. The
firmware version will briefly appear on each chamber display screen. The
self-test sequence may take approximately one minute. After the self-test,
upon first-time startup, the MINC+ should default to active mode. The
incubator environment controls will show both heater chambers active
and set to 37.0 °C, gas flow set to off, and the water level set to off. Refer
to Section 4.14, if required, to set device parameters.
WARNING: ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD. Internal circuitry is running
whenever the incubator is connected to mains power, irrespective of whether
the device is on or in standby mode.
IMPORTANT NOTE: When the MINC+ has just been turned on, or if the
temperature has been adjusted, the temperature alarm deactivates for
120 minutes while the device reaches stable conditions.
4.11.1 Unlock button function
The Unlock button sequence is as follows: beep on touch, and hold the
button for two seconds until the keypad back-light illuminates to indicate
that keypad is active. The keypad will remain active for 5 seconds after
the last input. The Unlock button remains constantly backlit while the
MINC+ is in active mode.
4.11.2 Entering standby and active modes
When the MINC+ is in standby mode, the center console and chamber
display screens are off. When the MINC+ is in active mode, the center
console touchscreen and chamber operational controls are active and
may be used.
To enter standby mode, perform the following steps:
1. Touch the Unlock button until the keypad is active.
2. Touch and hold the Power button until the device shuts down and
enters standby mode.
To enter active mode, perform the following steps:
1. Touch and hold the Power button until the MINC+ beeps and
activates the chamber display screens, then release the Power
button. The chamber status screen will start in approximately 6-10
2. Wait approximately 40-60 seconds until the center console boot up
sequence has completed.
3. The MINC+ is now in active mode.
4.12 Initial configuration
4.12.1 Assign a name to the incubator
By default, the incubator name of the MINC+ will be its serial number. It is
important to give it a meaningful name that will identify it in a network of
several MINC+ devices.
To assign a name, perform the following steps:
1. On the center console, tap the Settings tab.
2. Tap the General tab.
3. Tap the pencil icon in the text box adjacent to Incubator Name
to add the name. Assign a name (maximum of 20 characters) that
is meaningful to the lab or location of the device. The allowable
characters for the name are: 0-9, a-z, A-Z, -, _, ., (, ), #, @, &.
4. Tap Save to store the assigned name.
4.12.2 Assign a language
To assign a language, perform the following steps:
1. On the center console, tap the Settings tab.
2. In the Settings tab, tap Language and then slide up and down to
scroll to highlight the desired language in the list.
3. Tap Save to keep the changes. The default language is English.
4.12.3 Network configuration (optional if connecting to DishTrace PC
Connectivity, either directly to the PC or through an ethernet switch, will
require static IP addresses to be assigned. Alternatively, connection via an
ethernet switch with a DHCP server will automatically assign IP addresses.
Dynamic allocation of the IP address
By default, the MINC+ device is automatically allocated an IP address
when it is connected to a DHCP server. The allocated IP address can be
seen in the Settings -> Network screen. DishTrace PC automatically finds
each MINC+ device on the network.
If the default IP address 169.254.x.x is still seen on the Network screen,
then the MINC+ device cannot access the DHCP server. Check the
prerequisites Section 3.3 or contact your network support service.
Static IP address allocation
This configuration must be selected if no DHCP server is available in
the MINC+ network. All devices on the network should be on the same
network subnet (the first three fields of the IP address). Most PCs support
a subnet of the form 10.0.0.x, with x being any number from 2 to 253. The
number in the x position is required to be unique to each PC and MINC+
device on the network.
Setting a static IP address on a PC (Sequence may vary depending on
Windows configuration)
1. Via Control Panel/Network and Sharing Center, select Change
adapter settings, then select Ethernet.
2. In the Ethernet Properties window, under the Networking tab,
select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4).
3. Check Use the following IP address button.
4. In the IP address text box, enter the subnet 10.0.0.x, with x being a
unique number for this device.
5. Enter the Subnet Mask
6. Click OK to save and close the network sharing window.
Setting a static address on the MINC+
1. In the Settings tab, tap Network, and then tap the Static IP
2. Edit the IP address and enter 10.0.0.x, with x being the a unique
number for this MINC+. Tap OK.
3. Edit the Subnet Mask and enter Tap OK.
4. Tap Save.
Adding MINC+ devices in DishTrace PC manually
1. In the Incubators tab, enter the static IP address assigned to the
MINC+ device that is to be connected, and then tap Add. The
incubator details should appear within 30 seconds.