Select "Pump kick".
You can switch pump kicks on and off and configure the interval between 2 ... 72 hours.
For more information see section 11 "Device settings – Pump kick [" 126]".
Update firmware
The Wilo-Smart Connect app offers the function to update the pump software of a Wilo-Stratos MAXO.
For a pump software update, the update bundle for the pump must be present in the app before the connec-
tion to the pump is established. For this, the app must have been connected to the Internet.
The app checks the Internet for availability of current software bundles for pumps. During an update, the app
downloads the latest software for the pump.
If the Bluetooth connection to a pump is established later, "Update Firmware" can be selected in the Dash-
board. The update process of the pump is started. The previously downloaded update bundle is used. This
means that it's also possible to update the pump at an installation site that doesn't get Internet access.
The update process can vary greatly in length depending on the software version of the pump, the amount of
changes in the update software, and the connection quality. Transfer times of the update bundle may take
just a few minutes or up to 2 hours.
During the SW transfer and the subsequent check, the pump keeps on functioning. After the check, the dis-
tribution and installation of the new software to all system components of the pump is started.
During distribution, the pump temporarily stops operation, and the display remains off for a
maximum of 20 seconds. The entire internal software distribution can last up to a maximum
of 2 minutes, during which the pump will also temporarily not be pumping.
When the control unit has been updated with the new software, the display shows "Loading files ..." with a
progress bar. This process can take up to 15 minutes. In this phase, the pump is fully functional and can be
remotely controlled via the app again.
Software update when replacing display (HMI) and CIF module
When replacing a display (HMI) or a CIF module, the software is automatically adjusted. The replaced compo-
nent is adjusted to the software status of the pump.
Software update for twin-head pumps
Updating the software for a twin-head pump is only possible if the twin-head pump is disconnected before-
hand (see section 9.2 "Disconnect twin-head pump menu"). Both pump heads can then be controlled with
the app, just like with single pumps. The software update is carried out for each pump head. The twin-head
pump connection must then be restored (see section 9.2 "Connect twin-head pump menu").
Software adjustment for twin-head pumps in case of motor exchange (RMOT exchange)
In the case of an RMOT exchange, the termination as well as the Wilo Net address must be set on the main
pump in the menu under "Settings/External interfaces/Setting Wilo Net". After that, configure the settings
"Connecting twin-head pump" in the "Settings" menu, sub-menu "Twin-head pump operation".
The two drives can only be connected to form a twin-head pump if both electronic modules
have the same software version.
Installation and operating instructions • Wilo-Stratos MAXO/-D/-Z • Ed.02/2023-10