Wilo Net termination: OFF
Wilo Net address: 3
Pump secondary 3:
Wilo Net termination: ON
Wilo Net address: 4
Number of Wilo Net participants
A maximum of 21 participants (from pump software SW can communicate with each other in
Wilo Net. Each individual node counts as a participant, i.e. a twin-head pump consists of two participants.
Integration of a Wilo Smart Gateway also requires a separate node.
If a Multi-Flow Adaptation system is made up of twin-head pumps, this means a maximum
of 5 twin-head pumps can communicate with each other via Wilo Net in the MFA network. In
addition to this maximum of 5 twin-head pumps, up to 10 additional single pumps can be
included in the network.
Other examples:
The primary pump of a Multi-Flow Adaptation system is a twin-head pump and the whole system should be
able to be remotely monitored via a gateway.
Primary twin-head pump = 2 participants (e.g. ID 1 and ID 2)
Wilo-Smart Gateway = 1 participant (e.g. ID 21)
A maximum of 18 pumps remain on the secondary side in the MFA system (ID 3 ... 20).
In the Wilo Net settings, the Wilo Net ID address space of 1 ... 126 is displayed as adjustable.
However, only the ID address space of 1 ... 21 is available for a functioning Wilo Net connection between
pumps and accessories. A maximum of 21 participants can therefore communicate in Wilo Net.
Higher IDs mean that Wilo Net participants with higher IDs cannot communicate correctly with the other par-
The smallest Wilo Net "communication network" consists of two participants (e.g. with twin-head pumps or
two single pumps as two-pump system). Usually the participants are then operated with ID 1 and ID 2. How-
ever, any other combination of IDs 1 ... 21 is possible as long as both IDs are different.
When replacing a Wilo-Stratos MAXO pump with SW ≥ in an existing Multi-Flow
Adaptation system with pumps that have a lower SW version (SW <, all inte-
grated Wilo-Stratos MAXO pumps must be updated to a higher SW version
(SW ≥
Application and function of CIF module
Depending on the inserted CIF module type, an associated settings menu is displayed in the menu:
"External interfaces" displayed.
The respective settings are described in the display and in the CIF module documentation.
Installation and operating instructions • Wilo-Stratos MAXO/-D/-Z • Ed.02/2023-10