This is the longest program. Use it to prepare darker and heavier European-type bread - black bread,
rye bread, caraway bread, etc. As with the wholemeal program, in this one too the ingredients are
warmed for half an hour in advance. Times tend to be longer to suit the heavier types of ingredients
and SWEET DOUGH (10)
With these programs you can use the appliance as a mixing/kneading machine to save you work.
There is no baking during these programs. When you remove the dough from the appliance, knock
it back and let it rest for about 10 minutes before cutting/shaping. The DOUGH program kneads for
5 minutes, rests for 5 minutes, kneads for another 20 minutes and finally lets the dough rise for an
hour. The SWEET DOUGH program kneads for 30 minutes, then lets the dough rise for an hour
and a half.
JAM (11)
The JAM program mixes the ingredients for 15 minutes, then cooks them for 50 minutes. Leave
plenty of room to allow the jam to expand while it is boiling. If the jam boils over into the interior of
the appliance, it will be very difficult to clean. If this happens, press the START/STOP button until
it emits a beep, disconnect the appliance from the power point, allow it to cool and clean it before
the jam has a chance to stick. N.B. Handle the hot jam with caution, as it retains its heat for a long
time and sticks like glue.
The BAKING program turns the appliance into an oven. It will not knead or raise or do anything else
except bake for an hour and keep the contents warm for another hour. Use this program to bake
ready-made dough from the supermarket or dough made from packets of bread mix. Do not use
more than 500g of bread mix, and do not put it in the appliance until it is ready to bake. Check the
dough, because some ingredients do not need a whole hour's baking – you must stop the baking and
remove the contents earlier. Most products swell while baking – bear this in mind and leave sufficient
room when filling the breadpan.
Adding the ingredients
- These must be added in the correct order.
- Keep the additional ingredients (fruit, nuts, raisins, etc.) to one side and add them during the sec-
ond mixing stage, when the appliance beeps 12 times.
- First introduce the liquid ingredient. This will normally be water, but may be milk and/or eggs. The
water should be hot (37°C) but not boiling. Water which is too hot or too cold will impede rising.
- Do not use milk with the timer, as it could curdle before the preparation process begins.
- Add sugar and salt as specified in the recipe.
- Add any additional "liquid" ingredients (honey, syrup, treacle, etc.).
- Add any additional "dry" ingredients (flour, powdered milk, herbs and spices).
- If using the timer, it will not be possible to add fruit or nuts during the second kneading, so add
them now.
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