Figure 5 Liquid cooling system
Liquid cooled motors from frame size 80 up to 180 may be cooled with water or with a mix of water and glycol.
Cooling water must be tap water quality. Sea water or water with a proportion of chloride above 120 mg/l should
not be used. The highest allowed pressure for cooling water is 4 bars, with a recommended maximum input water
temperature of 40°C.
Motors are intended to be used with a closed circuit liquid circulation. The cooling water circulates in ducts
integrated in the machine frame and endshields. The material of the frame is always Aluminum alloy while endshields
may be both Aluminum alloy and cast iron (EN GJS xxx). This material is prone to corrosion in saline and foul water.
The corrosion products and fouling deposits might block the water flow in the ducts. This is why it is important to
use pure water in the cooling system.
The minimum pressure and amount of cooling water for the motors is shown in Table 5 Water pressure and flow rate.
Motors have an air discharge plug in the top most position of the cooling circuit to avoid pressure spikes during first
Standard values for the cooling water to be used are:
pH 6.5–9.5
Alkalinity (CaCO3) > 1 mmol/l
Chloride (Cl) < 120 mg/l
Conductivity < 1500 μS/cm
In most cases, normal tap water, i.e., water for domestic consumption, meets all these requirements.
The cooling water can also be inhibited with an agent protecting the cooling system against corrosion, fouling, and,
when necessary, against freezing. All materials in contact with the cooling water (pipes, heat exchanger, etc.) must
be taken into account when selecting a suitable inhibitor.
Air discharge plug
Water outlet
Water inlet
Only closed-circuit water systems can be used in compliance with the requirements
specified in the following section. Open water systems can be used in types M3LT
80–180 when cooling water with a proportion of chloride below 120 mg/l is used.
Water with a proportion of chloride up to 3000 mg/l can be used if the ingress of
oxygen into cooling water is prevented and the cooling water temperature does not
exceed 30°C.