The bed siderails are designed to allow their lowering using only one hand . They have one lock position which is the
upper position .
• Keep siderails in the fully raised position and the sleep surface horizontal in its lowest position when the patient is
unattended, unless its medical condition dictates otherwise . When raising the siderails, be sure that you hear the
"click" that signals the locked condition . Pull firmly on the siderail to ensure it is locked into position .
• Siderails, with or without their padded covers, are not intended to serve as restraint devices to keep patient from
exiting the bed . Siderails are designed to keep a patient from inadvertently rolling off the bed . It is the responsibility
of the attending medical personnel to determine the degree of restraint necessary to ensure a patient will remain
safely in bed . Failure to use the siderails properly could result in serious patient injury .
To Lower the Siderails (Figure 1.0)
• Lift the yellow latch (A) using one hand and guide it down with the other hand (see figure below) .
To Raise the Siderails (Figure 1.0)
• Pull on the siderail until it is locked in the fully raised position; a "click" will be heard to indicate it is locked (see
figure below) .
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Litter Operation Guide
Figure 1.0
2151-009-005 REV B