When the "Main Menu" button is pressed, Figure 6 .0 will be displayed . The following features are available to the
operator to configure .
• New Patient: pressing on the "New Patient" button displays Figure 6 . 1 and patient information may be entered .
• Configure Screen: pressing "Configure Screen" displays Figure 6 .2 and the additional patient information may be
configured .
• Height: pressing on the "Height" button allows the operator to enter the patient's height
• Braden Scale
: pressing the "Braden Scale" button takes the operator directly to The Braden Scale for Predicting
Pressure Sore Risk main menu .
• Patient Note: pressing on the pencil tool icon in the bottom right of the Patient Note window allows the operator to
enter a patient note if necessary .
• Unit/Room : pressing on the pencil tool icon in the bottom left of the Patient Information screen allows the operator
to enter the unit and room number that the patient is in .
Copyright . Barbara Braden and Nancy Bergstrom, 1988 . Reprinted with permission .
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Footboard Operation Guide
Figure 6.0
2151-009-005 REV B