3 Using the Source/Load Functions
4-Quadrant Power Supply
4-quadrant operation is only available on Keysight N6784A. Operation is allowed in all four output
quadrants. The following figures show the 4-quadrant settings.
Operating in – selects either Voltage Priority or Current Priority. In voltage priority the output is
controlled by a bi-polar constant voltage feedback loop, which maintains the output voltage at its
positive or negative setting. In current priority the output is controlled by a bi-polar constant current
feedback loop, which maintains the output source or sink current at its programmed setting. Refer to
N678xA Multi-Quadrant Operation
When switching between Voltage Priority and Current Priority, the output is turned off
and the output settings revert to their Power-on or RST values.
Depending on the priority mode, you can specify either the output Voltage or Current setting, as well
as the appropriate output Range. You can also specify a Voltage Limit or Current Limit, which limits the
selected parameter at the specified value. In voltage priority mode, the output voltage remains at its
programmed setting as long as the load current is within the positive or negative limit. In current
priority mode, the output current remains at its programmed setting as long as the output voltage is
within its positive or negative limit setting.
Tracking Limits - lets the negative voltage or current limit track the positive voltage or current limit
setting. By default, the negative limit will track the positive limit value. Un-check this box if you want to
program asymmetrical positive and negative limits. If asymmetrical limits are programmed and
tracking is turned on, the negative value is changed to track the positive limit.
for a detailed description of voltage and current priority.
Keysight N6705C User's Guide