6 Advanced Source, Measurement, and Control
voltage limit) or LIM- (negative voltage limit) status flag is set to indicate that either the positive or
negative voltage limit has been reached.
As shown by the horizontal portions of the load line, when the unit is sinking power, the output current
may continue to increase in the positive or negative direction as more current is forced into the unit.
Once the current is exceeds 112% of the rated current of the range, the output will shut down, the
output relays will open, and the OC and PROT status bits will be set.
N678xA Output Bandwidth
Keysight Models N678xA SMU
optimize output response time with capacitive loads.
The Low bandwidth setting provides stability with a wide range of capacitive loads. Additional settings
provide faster output response when the load capacitance is restricted to smaller values.
If capacitive loads cause the output to oscillate on the Low bandwidth or any other bandwidth setting,
a protection function will detect the oscillation and latch the output off. This condition is annunciated
by the OSC status bit. Oscillation usually occurs with load capacitances that fall outside the indicated
ranges. At power-on the oscillation protection function is enabled.
From the front panel:
Press the Settings key to access the Source Settings window. Navigate to and select Advanced.
Select a bandwidth according to the following load capacitances and load lead lengths:
0–150 μF
0–1 μF
0–7 μF
7–150 μF
Note 1 Refer to
Keysight N678xA SMU Wiring
have several voltage bandwidth settings that let you
Maximum distance from sense
point to capacitor
Full lead length 1
Local or Remote
Remote only
6 inches (155 mm)
Remote only
6 inches (155 mm)
Remote only
6 inches (155 mm)
for information on allowable full lead lengths.
@100 kHz
50 to 200 mΩ
1440 Hz
50 to 200 mΩ
33,000 Hz
50 to 200 mΩ
20,500 Hz
50 to 200 mΩ
8300 Hz
Keysight N6705C User's Guide