6 Advanced Source, Measurement, and Control
From the remote interface:
To select the trigger input function:
To select the pin polarity:
Output Couple Controls
This function lets you connect multiple Keysight N6705 mainframes together and synchronize the
output on/off sequence across mainframes. Each mainframe that will be synchronized must have at
least one coupled output.
1. Configure the outputs on each mainframe as described under
Sequence. Set the output coupling Mode to Manual.
2. Set the delay offset of each individual mainframe to match the longest delay offset of the main-
frame group.
3. Connect and configure the digital connector pins of the synchronized mainframes as described in
this section.
All synchronized N6705 mainframes must have the same firmware revision. Only
pins 4 through 7 can be configured as synchronization pins. You cannot configure
more than one On Couple and one Off Couple pin per mainframe.
The polarity of the pins is not programmable; it is set to Negative
The digital connector pins of the synchronized mainframes that contain coupled outputs must be
connected together as shown in the following figure. In this example, pin 6 will be configured as the
output On control. Pin 7 will be configured as the output Off control. The ground or Common pins also
need to be connected together.
Only two of the digital connector pins on each mainframe can be configured as "On Couple" and "Off
Couple" on each synchronized mainframe. The designated pins will function as both an input and an
output, with a negative transition on one pin providing the synchronization signal to the other pins.
Configuring an Output Turn-
Keysight N6705C User's Guide