4 Using the Measurement Functions
6 Ground Reference
8 Trigger Point Indicator
9 Time/Div.
10 Left-Grid Time
11 Filename
12 Right-Grid Time
13 Trigger Source
14 Offset Time
Marker View
The ground reference of the trace. Ground references are offset so that they do not overlap. The
ground reference offset value is referenced to the horizontal center line of the grid.
Indicates the trigger position in the data log. In this example the trigger point was offset by 50%,
and the pre trigger data and the post trigger data was logged. The time at the trigger point is
always zero. Change the trigger offset in the Datalogger Trigger Properties window.
Identifies the horizontal time-base setting. This can be adjusted using the front panel Horizontal
Time/Div knob.
Identifies the time at the left gridline in relation to the trigger point. If the trigger is at the left of the
grid, the time will be zero.
Indicates the filename of the data that is being displayed.
Identifies the time at the right gridline in relation to the trigger point. If the trigger point is at the
start of the data log, the time will equal the total duration of the data log.
In the figure, the trigger source is a voltage level on output 1. The Data Logger starts logging data
when the indicated level is reached.
Up trigger indicates the data logger will be triggered on the up-slope (positive).
Down trigger indicates the data logger will be triggered on the down-slope (negative).
If the trigger source is set to a voltage or current level, the amplitude of the trigger level is
indicated below the trigger source. In the figure, the voltage trigger level is set to 2 V.
Indicates the time that the right gridline is offset or away from the end of the data log. When this
value is zero, it means that the right gridline is positioned at the end of the data log. Turning the
offset knob will move the grid away from the end of the data log, as indicated by the Offset Time.
The yellow part of the bar represents the data that is visible on the display. The black part
represents the offset time.
Keysight N6705C User's Guide