6 Advanced Source, Measurement, and Control
Advanced Source Operation
Single-Quadrant Operation
CC Mode Delay
Power Limit Operation
Output Grouping
N678xA Multi-Quadrant Operation
N678xA Output Bandwidth
N679xA Load Module Operation
Single-Quadrant Operation
The Keysight N6705C DC Power Analyzer can operate in either constant voltage (CV) or constant
current (CC) over the rated output voltage and current. Constant voltage mode is defined as an
operating mode in which the dc source maintains its output voltage at the programmed voltage
setting in spite of changes in load, line, or temperature. Thus, when the load resistance changes, the
output voltage remains constant while the output current changes to accommodate the change in
Constant current mode is defined as an operating mode in which the dc source maintains its output
current at the programmed current limit in spite of changes in load, line, or temperature. Thus, when
the load resistance changes, the output current remains constant while the output voltage changes to
accommodate the change in load.
All DC power modules, except for Keysight Models N678xA SMU
, are designed as
constant voltage sources. This means that the specifications and operating characteristics are
optimized for constant voltage mode operation. Note that these power modules cannot be
programmed to operate in a specific mode. At turn-on, the operating mode will be determined by the
voltage setting, current setting, and the load resistance. In the following figure, operating point 1 is
defined by a fixed load line traversing the positive operating quadrant in the constant voltage region.
Operating point 2 is defined by a fixed load line traversing the positive operating quadrant in the
constant current region.
Keysight N6705C User's Guide