4 Using the Measurement Functions
Using the Waveform Display Knobs
1 Vertical Volts/Div.
2 Vertical Offset
3 Trigger Level
4 Horizontal Time/Div
5 Horizontal Offset
Makes the waveform bigger or smaller vertically in relation to its ground reference. Specified in
volts/division or amps/division on the y axis. On outputs with multiple ranges, when Knob Con-
trol is selected in the Scope Range Property window, adjusting the vertical gain will automatically
select lower measurement ranges for better resolution. If the vertical gain causes the trace to be
out of view, arrow symbols will indicate the direction of the trace .
Moves the ground reference of the trace up or down in relation to the horizontal center line of the
grid. The offset popup that appears in the upper right corner of the display shows how far the
ground reference of the selected trace is above or below the horizontal center line of the grid.
Positive values indicate that the center line is above the ground reference. Negative values indicate
that the center line is below the ground reference.
Moves the trigger level up and down when a voltage or current level is the trigger source. The
trigger level is identified by the
indicates the direction of the trigger level.
Push the Trigger Level knob to auto-scale the traces on the display. This will trigger a new
Stretches or shrinks the waveform horizontally around the horizontal offset reference. Specified in
time/division on the x axis. Applies to ALL traces.
Moves the waveform to the right or left of the horizontal offset reference. The trigger point is
indicated by the solid arrow.
symbol. If the trigger level is out of view, an arrow
Keysight N6705C User's Guide