1 Quick Reference
:BORDer NORMal | SWAPped Specifies how binary data is transferred.
:FORMat BMP|GIF|PNG Specifies the format for front panel images returned
IEEE 488.2 Common Commands
Clears status.
*ESE <value>
Sets standard event status enable.
Returns event status register.
Returns instrument identification.
Enables "operation complete" bit in ESR.
Returns a 1 when all pending operations complete.
Returns option number.
*RCL <value>
Recalls a saved instrument state.
Returns output channel descriptions.
Resets the instrument.
*SAV <value>
Saves an instrument state.
*SRE <value>
Sets service request enable register.
Returns the status byte.
Generates a trigger.
Performs a selftest, then returns results.
Pauses additional command processing until all device commands are done.
:ACQuire (@chanlist)
:DLOG <"filename">
:ELOG (@chanlist)
:HISTogram (@chanlist)
:TRANsient (@chanlist)
:TRANsient 0|OFF|1|ON, (@chanlist)
[:STATe] 0|OFF|1|ON
[:STATe] 0|OFF|1|ON
Specifies the format of the returned data.
Returns an image of the front panel display.
Initiates the measurement trigger system.
Initiates internal data logging.
Initiates external data logging.
Initiates histogram measurements. (N6781A/82A/85A/86A)
Initiates the transient trigger system.
Continuously initiates the transient trigger system.
Turns the front panel LXI identify indicator on or off.
Controls the state of the mDNS server.
Keysight N6705C User's Guide