Muscle volume for a body-builder
training six times a week minimum
n this example, the body-builder wants
to work on his/her calves that he/she
considers to be his/her weak point. It is of
course possible to stimulate other muscles
as well. Also this stimulation routine can
be applied to several muscular groups at
the same time (e.g. calves then biceps).
Cycle duration: 12 weeks, 5 x/week
Progression in the levels:
Week 1: Hypertrophy level 1
Week 2-3: Hypertrophy level 2
Week 4-5: Hypertrophy level 3
Week 6-8: Hypertrophie level 4
Week 9-12: Hypertrophie level 5
Eg for 1 week
Mon: Voluntary training focused on the mus-
cles of the lower limbs, followed by active
work on the calf muscles: 3 series of 5 repe-
titions at 90% of Fmax., then 1 x Hypertrophy
follow by 1 x Capillarization 4◊
Tue: Voluntary training focused on the mus-
cles of the upper limbs, followed by active
work on the calf muscles: 3 series of 5 repe-
titions at 90% of Fmax., then 1 x Hypertrophy
follow by 1 x Capillarization 4◊
Wed: Rest
Thu: Voluntary training focused on the mus-
cles of the lower limbs, followed by active
work on the calf muscles: 3 series of 5 repe-
titions at 90% of Fmax., then 1 x Hypertrophy
follow by 1 x Capillarization 4◊
Fri: Voluntary training focused on the muscles
of the upper limbs, followed by active work on
the calf muscles: 3 series of 5 repetitions at
90% of Fmax., then 1 x Hypertrophy 4A
low by 1 x Capillarization 4◊
Sat: Voluntary training focused on the mus-
cles of the muscles of the trunk, followed by
active work on the calf muscles: 3 series of 5
repetitions at 90% of Fmax., then 1 x Hy-
pertrophy 4A
follow by 1 x Capillariza-
tion 4◊
Sun: Rest
Programmes: Hypertrophy 4A et Capillarization
Developing and sculpting your
abdominal belt
o restore or develop the qualities of your
abdominal muscles, they must do a lot of
intensive work. Also, the voluntary exerci-
ses of the abdominal belt required to
achieve results are unpleasant and often
also dangerous. Indeed, if they are not
performed correctly, they can cause crus-
hing of the lumbar spine accompanied, as
a consequence, by the onset or aggrava-
tion of pain in the lower back
ompex offers a specific stimulation
mode to make your abdominal belt firmer,
improve its tone and give it a more har-
monious shape, or even to develop a
"rock-hard" abdomen. All this can be
achieved without the minimum stress and
danger for the lumbar spine. The
programme allows you to reac-
cle starter
tivate the abdominal belt muscles before
starting the more intensive work of the
Muscle building
programme. The specific
work required for definition and better
muscular tone can then be started using
Cycle duration: Beginner: 13 weeks.
Week 1-3: 2 x Muscle starter 10I
Abdos (for the whole abdominal belt) ou 11I
(for the rectus abdominis muscles)/week
Week 4-8: 3 x Muscle building 10I
the whole abdominal belt) ou 11I
rectus abdominis muscles)/week
Week 9-13: 3 x Hypertony 10I
ble de la sangle abdominale) ou 11I
(grands droits de l'abdomen)/sem.
Cycle duration: Expert amateur: 10 weeks.
Start directly with the week 4 programme,
possibly adding a fourth or even a fifth weekly
session (for those who do at least 4 to 6 vo-
luntary training sessions per week)
Progression in the levels:
Week 1-3: IMuscle starter Step to the next
level every session
Week 4-8: Muscle building Step to the next
level every week
Week 9-13: Hypertony Step to the next
level every week
Programmes: Muscle starter, Muscle buil-
ding and Hypertony 10I or 11I
Developing aerobic capacity for an expert
fitness enthusiast
n this example, the fitness enthusiast
wants to work above all on his/her thighs.
It is of course possible to stimulate other
muscles as well. Also this stimulation rou-
tine can be applied to several muscular
groups at the same time (e.g. thighs then
he intensity of the efforts sustained du-
ring many fitness exercises is supported
essentially by the aerobic metabolism, for
which a good utilisation of oxygen is cru-
o use oxygen well, it is necessary to
1) an efficient cardio-vascular system,
which can therefore transport large quan-
The Mus-
tities of oxygenated blood to the muscles;
2) muscles capable of absorbing the maxi-
mum possible amount of the oxygen that
reaches them.
to improve the capacity of the muscles to
consume oxygen. It is particularly suited
to active and well trained fitness enthu-
siasts. The latter will therefore improve
their comfort level when practising aero-
bic exercises. Also, the length and/or
number of these exercises may thus be
gradually increased and progressively
done at more sustained rhythms. The ef-
fectiveness of the work done will thus
(for the
greatly increase, with significant muscular
his programme is not suitable for begin-
ners or people who are not adequately
trained. Such users will achieve better re-
sults at the beginning by using the Jog-
ging programme on their quadriceps.
Cycle duration: 12 weeks, 3 x/week
Progression in the levels
Week 1: Aerobic level 1
Week 2-3: Aerobic level 2
Week 4-5: Aerobic level 3
Week 6-8: Aerobic level 4
Week 9-12: Aerobic level. 5
Eg for 1 week
Mon: 45'-1 h of physical activity in the fitness
facility, then 1 x 8G Aerobic
Tue: Rest
Wed: 45'-1 h of physical activity in the fitness
facility, then 1 x Aerobic 8G
Thu: Rest
Fri: 1 x Aerobic 8G
Sat: Rest
Sun: 1 h of voluntary physical activity (jog-
programme enables the user
ging, swimming, cycling, etc.)
Programme: Aerobic 8G
Progress in endurance for a jogging
beginner or a regular non-competitive
n addition to the planning example pre-
sented here, the
very useful for those who practise this dis-
ciple regularly for recreation and cannot
do a training session for some reason (bad
weather, lack of time, fatigue, etc.). In
such cases, they may usefully replace the
training they cannot do with a stimulation
session using the
ogging entails an effort of average inten-
sity, but sustained for a long time. This
kind of effort is characteristic of endu-
rance activities in which oxygen
consumption by the muscles is a determi-
nant factor. Without trying to attain the
performance levels required for sport, jog-
ging beginners or leisure-time joggers can
significantly improve their endurance by
using the
thus feel more comfortable when running
at a given speed and will be capable of
doing long runs more easily.
programme is
programme. They will