Safety information
2.2 User group
Healthcare professionals (surgeon/resident, nurse/professional caregiver) educated
in computer-assisted surgery and thoroughly familiar with the instructions for use
and with the operation of this product.
To request an additional in-service instruction, contact Stryker.
2.3 Indications for use
United States and Canada*
Refer to the user manual supplied with the Cranial Guidance Software for system
indications and contraindications.
Rest of World*
The Precision Targeting System is indicated for use as an accessory to the Cranial
Guidance Software. It is intended to be used to provide guidance during drilling
and biopsy of cranial tissue.
The system is indicated as an aid for locating anatomical structures in either open
or percutaneous neurosurgical procedures. The system is indicated for any medical
condition in which the use of computer-assisted surgery may be appropriate and
where reference to a rigid anatomical structure can be identified.
*Note: Product may not be available in all markets because product availability is
subject to the regulatory and/or medical practices in individual markets. Contact
your Stryker representative for product availability.
2.4 Contraindications
None known.